Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Courses in Brighton and the South East
Tasters, Courses, Workshops
& Day Retreats
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These are free and designed to give you a short taste of mindfulness. There will be some short mindfulness practices, brief explanations, an opportunity to ask questions and to sign up for an 8-week course, with no obligation
1 hour duration. Free.
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy/
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Both MBSR and MBCT are suitable for supporting your wellbeing and improving your quality of life. Whilst MBCT has been developed for helping to prevent relapse into anxiety, low mood and depression, it is suitable for general public and non clinical use. MBSR is more focused on reducing stress. I will make adaptations as necessary to the emphasis in order to respond to the needs of the group.
8 x 2 hour sessions (9 with Orientation).
£160/£80 Concessions
Mindfulness Based Compassionate Living
This is an 8 week course designed to help participants cultivate a sense of self compassion. Self Compassion has been shown to have a strong correlation with increased wellbeing, as well as decreased anxiety and depression. It is recommended as a follow on for people who have done the 8 week course, as working with self compassion practices can be emotionally challenging, and it helps if participants have an established mindfulness practice.
8 x 2 hour sessions (9 with Orientation).
£160/£80 Concessions
Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP)
This 8 week course has a similar structure to MBCT and MBSR, but it is adapted for participants who are in recovery from Substance Misuse. MBRP practices are designed to foster increased awareness of triggers, destructive habitual patterns, and the “automatic” reactions that often seem to control our lives. Using the practices we learn to pause, observe present experience, and bring awareness to the range of options in front of us in every moment. Ultimately we learn to respond in ways that serve us rather than react in ways that are detrimental to our health and happiness.
This course is suitable for those who are steady in their recovery from problematic alcohol or drug use, and who are not currently physically dependant on substances
8 x 2 hour sessions (9 with Orientation).
£160/£80 Concessions
Introduction To Mindfulness Course
This course consists of 3 two hour sessions, during which we cover the main practices and theories behind mindfulness. This is a good course for someone wanting to decide whether to take Mindfulness further or for someone who is unable to commit to the length or amount of home practice for the longer course.
3 x 2 hour sessions on consecutive weeks.
£45/£30 Concessions.
Introduction To Self Compassion Workshop
During this workshop we explore some of the theories, and practices behind the cultivation of Self Compassion. The workshop is mindfulness based, as there is a strong relationship between mindfulness and self compassion.
This course is suitable for everyone regardless of experience, and knowledge of mindfulness.
Day Workshop (5 hours)
£45/£30 Concessions.
Day Retreats
Day retreats are a great way of really consolidating your mindfulness practice and are best attended soon after completing an 8 week course. A retreat is a day of silent meditation practice which takes place in a calm and supportive atmosphere with guidance from the meditation teacher.
Only suitable for those who have completed 8 weeks courses.
Duration is usually 5-6 hours.
£30/20 Concessions
Also, check out Day Retreats offered by 'Love Mindfulness'
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